Ludum Dare 35 – Shape Racer

The theme: Shapeshifting

The participants: Me, Lou, Vin, and Leo

The game: Shapes and shifting galore.




First, they ignored you. Everyone knows only Spheres can compete in the drag.

Then, they laughed at you. An n-sided polygon? Who does this Shape think it is?

Now, they race you.

Compete with the Spheres for glory over four distinct courses, and prove to the world that n-sided polygons have what it takes.

W/A: Accelerate/decelerate
S/D: Turn left/right
MMB/RMB: shapeshift
Tab/Shift: Shift gear up/down

Some shapes are better at navigating certain terrain than others. Use the upper-left guide to know which shape you should be.

Not going anywhere? Try down-shifting;


Ludum Dare Entry